Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The stories go on

Long before computers - much much longer - long before the invention of the printing press - before the written word; the job of the elders was to keep the dead alive by telling their stories.  So many young people today just don't get it.  They tire quickly of listening to the elderly tell their stories not realizing that if they are lucky and live that long, one day it will be their turn to tell the stories.  This lack of attention by the youth is not new.  It has been that way for the past 50 years.  We used to respect our elders.  Their knowledge was a valuable commodity, but no longer.  How sad and regrettable.

Shortly before my mother died she began her journey as the elder story teller.  She was in the process of writing a book for family members telling the many stories of those she loved who had long ago left the physical temple that houses their souls to join the spirits of their dearly departed.  She had gone as far as to find a publisher who for a small fee would print 100 books.  Her heart was not strong enough for her to complete the book.  When her doctor gave her the news that she had a short 3 months to live she quickly threw together some of her stories for her children.

Over the next year I plan to take my place among the elders and tell the stories of those who have gone before me.  Every Saturday I will write a story (Sappy Story Saturday- kind of catchy, huh?) about someone I love or have loved.  I don't believe the elders would want me to only tell the stories of those who have gone before me.  After all, done of us are going to get out of this place alive.

My memory is not good.  I no longer remember the details of some of the stories my parents and grandparents have imparted to me.  Still I think this is an important job and I am determined to follow those before me and tell the stories.  That means I will have to start interviewing my father, He Who Remembers.

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