Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Notch - Another Sappy Saturday Story

I had a favorite uncle (actually he was my father's cousin but out or love and respect we called him uncle) who was a lay minister for the Perry Methodist Church.  The following story was written by Herman Beatty Reese aka Uncle Bill about my father.  The story was one of his sermons.  Here goes:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He also created Adam and then Eve and as the centuries rolled by He created you and me.

Each of us have our own little world or circle that we live in.  Just as God created Adam and Eve for a purpose, later He created you and me also for a purpose.

I think there are times when each of us have probably wondered why and for what were we put here.  Why do we live in this little community?

Is there an answer to that question?  I think there is.  For one thing if we all were to move to the city there would be no one to raise the food on the farms or to work in the smaller factories.  And I think it would be very congested and hard to live in that kind of environment.

When God created Adam and Eve He had a plan, a Master of Plans.  How many of us ever stop to think about this plan?  Adam and Eve started this population we have today.  And I think that was part of God's plan for them.  In the millions of people on this earth there are all kinds, colors, creeds, sizes and personalities.  And each one has his or her place or part to fill in God's plan.

In the Bible we read of kings and peasants.  Some kings are good and some are bad and that goes for the peasants.  I don't think God cares whether you are a king or peasant.  He wants only for you to follow him and practice his teachings brought to you by Jesus Christ.

Each of us are individuals entirely different from one another.  Each of us have a different goal to reach.  A different rainbow's end to find.  We are all somebody, as the picture (which I'm sure many of you have seen) of a little boy with his hands crossed on the table and his chin resting on his hands and the words below, "I know I'm somebody, 'cause God don't make no junk".  So by the same token we are all somebody, a very important somebody.

We have different roles to fill in this giant play of life.  We can't all be President or King but I think that very few of us would really want to be president.  And too I don't think God would want us all to clamor for that title or position.  We each have our own little or large notch to cut in time.  It to me matters not whether you are president or the general of the army, but as to how you fill the notch God has put you in.

God's love is with you where ever you are.  And if your love and faith is any way near as strong as God's you have nothing to fear.  Your hill isn't near as steep, your notch isn't near as hard to fill.

When you chose your occupation, your career, your life style, you thought it was the thing best suited for you.  Or that is the way it should be.  Maybe you have a pot of gold that is just out of reach, that bigger job with more prestige and more pay.  But those are material things.  Does God care about these things?  I believe God wanted you to do the best you can in the notch that He has for you.

When I was in grade school an eighth grader recitered a poem for graduation.  I can only remember the idea or message and two lines.  If you can't be a big tree on a hill, be a big bush in the vale.  It went on to sight other examples but said, what ever you were be the best bush in the valley.

I know a Grandpa that possibly could be a writer of children's stories, but he thinks that is a little far for him.  So what is he doing?  What has he done?  First he told stories to the grandchildren, (they were too small to read).  They sat on his lap and at his feet wide eyed and spell bound.  The stories were of animals on the farm and in the woods around here.  Now they can read so he writes letters with stories in them, long stories that hold an adults attention, and yet a little comical and far fetched.  The older ones say Grandpa, "you're funny and we love you!".

Paul, the apostle and his co-worker, Silas, were thrown into prison.  This was for a reason, in God's plan.  At midnight, in shackles, they prayed and praised the Lord and the other prisoners heard them and listened to what they said.  Paul wasn't the Christ and didn't want to be.  But he was the best he could be in his role.  The people that came in contact with him were better by it.  Not the tree on the hill but the best bush in the vale.  Grandpa, not an author, but the best Grandpa he can be and I know his grandchildren and children will be better by his love and stories.

I don't think God wants us all to be leaders of our country.  Just the best we can be in our Notch, then let it rub off on our friends and all people we come in contact with.

So again, maybe we are not the minister, the leader in the church or community, but let's be the best we can be in our notch and with God's help make others able to fill their notch better.  Make our friends better by knowing us.

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