According to Barbara De Angelio, Ph.D. "The hunger for passion is universal. Something in human nature longs for that experience of complete emotional absorption, that magical moment when we are swept away, finally free from our everyday rules, restraints, and routines." Sounds like the Bad Girl Motto to me.
The Bad Girl lives like a rock star. She is comfortable in her own skin. She prefers sexy tight fitting clothes showing lots of cleavage and fabulous dangling ear rings and expensive bling on every finger. When she walks across the room in her four inch stilettos she smiles with pleasure because she knows every man in the joint is watching the well practiced sway of her butt. And every woman is keeping close tabs on her husband. Not that the women have anything to worry about. The Bad Girl kisses but doesn't love, listens to his words of undying devotion but doesn't believe, and then leaves him before she is left. The Bad Girl is liberated. She has given herself permission to be naughty. She is bad to the bone and proud of it. You won't find her crying in the ladies room because some jealous bitch criticized, attacked, or gossiped about her.
I've had my moments when I felt like a Bad Girl. Fleeting moments! I am and always will be a goody goody two shoes but in my dreams I'm a Bad Girl. I eat what I want to eat, go where I want to go, wear what I want to wear and associate with whomever I please. So why not? This is Life 101 not a dress rehearsal. So when do I start living if not now?
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