Artificial Christmas trees have been around since 1958 when the good people of Germany produced their own wooden trees. Later came the arrival of the aluminum tree followed by the ever so popular PCV plastic trees.
The makers of the aluminum and plastic trees fed us the popular line "save a tree" and we fell for it. After all the artificial tree could be used year after year and it takes years to grow new trees.
Sounded really good at the time, didn't it?
Now scientist have found the colorful (they come in a variety of colors from pastels to vibrant neon colors like my hot pink tree) plastic trees piled high on mountains of debris in dumps across the nation will still be there millions of years later. Not the case with the old fashion Christmas trees of our great grand parents era. And guess what, we can actually plant seedlings and have large sweet smelling trees in under 20 years.
What a surprise!
I really do love my hot pink tree but it is the last artificial tree I will buy. I will not add more to the dumpster mountains. To tell the truth, I miss the fragrance of pine filling my home each December so it is no sacrifice for me..
Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Friday, December 30, 2011
No Doom & Gloom for 2012
As I was driving home this afternoon from my store of choice, Barnes & Nobel, listening to the radio, the DJ said he felt very good about the new year 2012. I had to laugh, not because I do not believe 2012 will be a good year but because of all the hype about the world as we know it ending in 2012. There has even been a movie made about it starring John Cusack called We Were Warned.
What if we looked at this prediction not in terms of doom and gloom but as a glorious new beginning of the world in which we live? Instead of plague and natural disasters what if there was a cure for cancer and AIDS found? Instead of malice and hatred we learned to forgive and love all people.
I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to the year 2012. As I have said in the past, I do not make new year resolutions. I feel they set me up for failure. Perhaps this is the year to embrace my fear of failure and risk all my friends knowing how very imperfect I am.
2012 will be a year of new beginnings. For the first time in decades I will make a list of resolutions and just to make sure I stick to them, I will publish the list here on my blog. You my dear friends will have the grave responsibility of holding me accountable to the list I produce.
I am counting on you to keep my nose to the grindstone.
What if we looked at this prediction not in terms of doom and gloom but as a glorious new beginning of the world in which we live? Instead of plague and natural disasters what if there was a cure for cancer and AIDS found? Instead of malice and hatred we learned to forgive and love all people.
I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to the year 2012. As I have said in the past, I do not make new year resolutions. I feel they set me up for failure. Perhaps this is the year to embrace my fear of failure and risk all my friends knowing how very imperfect I am.
2012 will be a year of new beginnings. For the first time in decades I will make a list of resolutions and just to make sure I stick to them, I will publish the list here on my blog. You my dear friends will have the grave responsibility of holding me accountable to the list I produce.
I am counting on you to keep my nose to the grindstone.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Bahama Celebration
Darrell and I went on a short three day two night cruise to the Grand Bahama Island on an old beat up ship called The Bahama Celebration. No, it wasn't one of the big fancy cruise ships with Las Vegas type shows, but I am not complaining. It was clean, the meals were good, the stewards on the ship were friendly and helpful and the entertainment was fun.
While talking with one of the entertainers I learned the Bahama Celebration had been retired having seen better days and had been scheduled to join other old ships in a massive grave for old forgotten ships somewhere deep in the ocean. The Bahama Celebration was still sea worthy, just in need of much loving care and attention. A wise entrepreneur saw a flicker of life left in her and gave her a reprieve, washing, painting and oiling her until she shined once again.
I have a sentimental spot in my heart for that old ship, not just because we had a really good time on her but also because since my retirement I have noticed my once young vibrant firm body is now sagging and breaking down. I can no longer dance and party all night . Yes, I still try, but my knees scream in protest when I do. I learned the hard way that my bones are no longer as strong as they once were after a fall while roller skating shattering my left wrist. Yes, I can still run but much slower and not near as far.
So here's to the Bahama Celebration with warm memories. May you continue to serve us old folks until you and I both are put out to pasture.
While talking with one of the entertainers I learned the Bahama Celebration had been retired having seen better days and had been scheduled to join other old ships in a massive grave for old forgotten ships somewhere deep in the ocean. The Bahama Celebration was still sea worthy, just in need of much loving care and attention. A wise entrepreneur saw a flicker of life left in her and gave her a reprieve, washing, painting and oiling her until she shined once again.
I have a sentimental spot in my heart for that old ship, not just because we had a really good time on her but also because since my retirement I have noticed my once young vibrant firm body is now sagging and breaking down. I can no longer dance and party all night . Yes, I still try, but my knees scream in protest when I do. I learned the hard way that my bones are no longer as strong as they once were after a fall while roller skating shattering my left wrist. Yes, I can still run but much slower and not near as far.
So here's to the Bahama Celebration with warm memories. May you continue to serve us old folks until you and I both are put out to pasture.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Looking to the future
When my twin and I were born we were the super stars of the family.
Because not only we were blond curly haired twins, but also we were first born grandchildren on both sides of the family. Two years later the stork brought us a baby brother and suddenly we lost our celebrity status. You see, he was the first born male, he would carry on the family name. Our parents were old school. There must be a son to inherit his birthright as head of the family. Our little egos took quite a beating with his arrival.
That was just the beginning of our downfall. We then started to school and met our peers. Children can be very cruel to children who have learning disabilities. But the cruelest of all can be the teachers, the one person whose job is to encourage and mentor the young minds left in their custody. We had one teacher in particular who may have given Harry Potter's teacher Dolores Umbridge some ideas. Okay, maybe she wasn't that bad but back then I would have meekly argued the point.
Silly, I know but we still wear the emotional scars from our early childhood. Sue and I talked about that one teacher in particular while she was visiting me last week and the memories still make her cry.
So, what would we be like today if we had not been such introverted wusses in those early years? I don't know.
It is never too late to change and better ones self. 2011 is coming to a close. I am giddy with excitement. What will 2012 bring?
Because not only we were blond curly haired twins, but also we were first born grandchildren on both sides of the family. Two years later the stork brought us a baby brother and suddenly we lost our celebrity status. You see, he was the first born male, he would carry on the family name. Our parents were old school. There must be a son to inherit his birthright as head of the family. Our little egos took quite a beating with his arrival.
That was just the beginning of our downfall. We then started to school and met our peers. Children can be very cruel to children who have learning disabilities. But the cruelest of all can be the teachers, the one person whose job is to encourage and mentor the young minds left in their custody. We had one teacher in particular who may have given Harry Potter's teacher Dolores Umbridge some ideas. Okay, maybe she wasn't that bad but back then I would have meekly argued the point.
Silly, I know but we still wear the emotional scars from our early childhood. Sue and I talked about that one teacher in particular while she was visiting me last week and the memories still make her cry.
So, what would we be like today if we had not been such introverted wusses in those early years? I don't know.
It is never too late to change and better ones self. 2011 is coming to a close. I am giddy with excitement. What will 2012 bring?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Free To Be Me
"While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness."
That quote is credited to Gilda Radner who died of cancer while still in the prime of her life. I've always thought her death was a tragedy but perhaps I am looking at this all wrong.
Yes, her life was cut short but no one or nothing was able to squelch her spirit, her comedy genius or her quirky uniqueness.
How many of us can say that?
I can't!
For years I allowed my ex-husband to dictate how I dressed, acted and thought.
Shame on me.
After my divorce I had to rediscover who this middle aged woman was. Unfortunately or fortunately (a little of both) I met and fell in love with another man with a strong dominating personality. I never allowed him to control me as I did my ex however my passion for this man held me down. Not as before but because I loved him I wanted to be the person I thought he wanted me to be.
Silly love sick woman!
I now understand he loved me exactly as I was and he would have continued to love me as I blossomed into the woman I was meant to be.
Now that he is gone what is in my future? What is my destiny? Who is this woman meant to be?
Once again I have a man by my side, a man who loves me. I hope I have learned from my mistakes and am a wiser woman. At least now I realize this man loves me as I am, not as the woman I imagine he wants me to be.
I am finally free. Free to be me, a wild and crazy, scatterbrained, unorganized work in progress.
That quote is credited to Gilda Radner who died of cancer while still in the prime of her life. I've always thought her death was a tragedy but perhaps I am looking at this all wrong.
Yes, her life was cut short but no one or nothing was able to squelch her spirit, her comedy genius or her quirky uniqueness.
How many of us can say that?
I can't!
For years I allowed my ex-husband to dictate how I dressed, acted and thought.
Shame on me.
After my divorce I had to rediscover who this middle aged woman was. Unfortunately or fortunately (a little of both) I met and fell in love with another man with a strong dominating personality. I never allowed him to control me as I did my ex however my passion for this man held me down. Not as before but because I loved him I wanted to be the person I thought he wanted me to be.
Silly love sick woman!
I now understand he loved me exactly as I was and he would have continued to love me as I blossomed into the woman I was meant to be.
Now that he is gone what is in my future? What is my destiny? Who is this woman meant to be?
Once again I have a man by my side, a man who loves me. I hope I have learned from my mistakes and am a wiser woman. At least now I realize this man loves me as I am, not as the woman I imagine he wants me to be.
I am finally free. Free to be me, a wild and crazy, scatterbrained, unorganized work in progress.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Be in Your Space of Wonder
During this and past Christmas seasons I have found much joy in observing the wonder on the faces of children as they anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus. Their innocence and enthusiasm is delightful.
When we are little we love that sense of wonder. We excitedly anticipate the unknown. As we grow up we lose that sense of wonder. Our perspective becomes very small. We no longer expect great and wonderful things to happen. We have been knocked down so many times that we have forgotten the wondrous opportunities that are out there for us to discover if we will only keep the door open.
As a young teen I was slow maturing. My father called me gullible. I guess I still am.
Is that so bad?
This holiday season be in your space of wonder and blossom.
This Christmas season resolve to be in your space of wonder like you were when you were a child.
When we are little we love that sense of wonder. We excitedly anticipate the unknown. As we grow up we lose that sense of wonder. Our perspective becomes very small. We no longer expect great and wonderful things to happen. We have been knocked down so many times that we have forgotten the wondrous opportunities that are out there for us to discover if we will only keep the door open.
As a young teen I was slow maturing. My father called me gullible. I guess I still am.
Is that so bad?
This holiday season be in your space of wonder and blossom.
This Christmas season resolve to be in your space of wonder like you were when you were a child.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Neem Tree
Off and on for years I have had bouts of insomnia. During Les' illness my insomnia worsened. No longer did I have an occasional night of restlessness, sleepless nights became the norm. I wasn't terribly worried about my lack of sleep then because I did not want to sleep soundly in fear that I might not hear Les when he needed me.
I figured after his death I would go back to my routine of an occasional night of sleeplessness. I was wrong. It has been three years since I have slept all through the night. That is until last night.
The last day of my trip to the Bahamas I toured the Wallace Groves Garden. The tour guide told us of an amazing tree, the neem tree, a/k/a the village pharmacy. The tree originated in India where it has been used for medicinal purposes for 4,000 years. All parts of the tree roots, bark, gum, leaves, flowers, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil are used for a wide range of medicinal uses including insomnia.
I was skeptical but what did I have to lose? I have tried many sleep aid products over the years with varying degrees of success, mostly complete failure. All the over the counter P.M. products have a reverse effect on me. Rather than make me drowsy I become hyper. Those products that actually calmed me enough to sleep drugged me so badly I was unable to get much accomplished the next day. What harm would it do to try another sleep aid? I would be out a little money and I would have yet another bottle of pills sitting in my medicine cabinet until I tire of looking at it and throw it out.
Three nights ago I took my first capsule. I didn't fall asleep right away and I woke once in the middle of the night but was able to fall back to sleep easily. The next morning I rose feeling rested. Night two I tried taking the full dose recommended of two capsules. I slept better than the night before but still woke once to go potty. Once again, night three I swallowed two green capsules. Within a half hour I was in dream land sleeping like a baby and didn't stir until 7 the next morning. I woke alert ready to conquer what ever obstacles came my way. This was the first night in years that I actually slept eight straight hours without interruption.
Is it possible that the ancient people of India were better healers than modern man? The makers of this product claim this miraculous herb can be used for fever, fugal infection, blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, heart burn, heart disease, nausea, insect repellent, headache and of course insomnia just to name a few.
I am now excited about going to bed with the knowledge that I will sleep peacefully. Sweet blissful sleep.
I figured after his death I would go back to my routine of an occasional night of sleeplessness. I was wrong. It has been three years since I have slept all through the night. That is until last night.
The last day of my trip to the Bahamas I toured the Wallace Groves Garden. The tour guide told us of an amazing tree, the neem tree, a/k/a the village pharmacy. The tree originated in India where it has been used for medicinal purposes for 4,000 years. All parts of the tree roots, bark, gum, leaves, flowers, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil are used for a wide range of medicinal uses including insomnia.
I was skeptical but what did I have to lose? I have tried many sleep aid products over the years with varying degrees of success, mostly complete failure. All the over the counter P.M. products have a reverse effect on me. Rather than make me drowsy I become hyper. Those products that actually calmed me enough to sleep drugged me so badly I was unable to get much accomplished the next day. What harm would it do to try another sleep aid? I would be out a little money and I would have yet another bottle of pills sitting in my medicine cabinet until I tire of looking at it and throw it out.
Three nights ago I took my first capsule. I didn't fall asleep right away and I woke once in the middle of the night but was able to fall back to sleep easily. The next morning I rose feeling rested. Night two I tried taking the full dose recommended of two capsules. I slept better than the night before but still woke once to go potty. Once again, night three I swallowed two green capsules. Within a half hour I was in dream land sleeping like a baby and didn't stir until 7 the next morning. I woke alert ready to conquer what ever obstacles came my way. This was the first night in years that I actually slept eight straight hours without interruption.
Is it possible that the ancient people of India were better healers than modern man? The makers of this product claim this miraculous herb can be used for fever, fugal infection, blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, heart burn, heart disease, nausea, insect repellent, headache and of course insomnia just to name a few.
I am now excited about going to bed with the knowledge that I will sleep peacefully. Sweet blissful sleep.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Man Eating Sharks
There are man eating sharks roaming the beaches of Ft. Lauderdale. Darrell knows about them first hand. He and I were walking along minding our own business when this big blue shark jumped out and gobbled Darrell up.
It was crazy! It was revolting! It was disgusting!
Good thing Darrell so old and tough. The shark made a disgusting sound as he vomited and spit him out.
Being the sweet compassionate person that you all know I am, I stood by calmly photographing the historic moment.
Proof of my story below:
There are man eating sharks roaming the beaches of Ft. Lauderdale. Darrell knows about them first hand. He and I were walking along minding our own business when this big blue shark jumped out and gobbled Darrell up.
It was crazy! It was revolting! It was disgusting!
Good thing Darrell so old and tough. The shark made a disgusting sound as he vomited and spit him out.
Being the sweet compassionate person that you all know I am, I stood by calmly photographing the historic moment.
Proof of my story below:
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
How Do You Spell PARADISE
Every one in the world is searching for something. Some search for worldly pleasure while others crave professional growth. Some look to improve their aptitude for learning and some focus on social service.
Me? My search seems to be a vicious cycle searching for something new and interesting, something that thrills my senses. Sometimes I search for my purpose in life and at times I am in search of true happiness. In all my searches I have found the most satisfaction and bliss while in the company of friends.
Last week in search of whatever it is that I was searching for I found eternal bliss with my friend Darrell on Grand Bahama Island in the small town of Lucaya in a luxurious resort facing the Atlantic Ocean. We did a little sight seeing but mostly we walked up and down the snowy white beaches inhaling the fresh ocean air, feeling the warm gentle breezes against our skin. The sand on the beach was incredibly soft and white and quite firm making it easy to walk upon.
So, how do I spell paradise? L-U-C-A-Y-A
Me? My search seems to be a vicious cycle searching for something new and interesting, something that thrills my senses. Sometimes I search for my purpose in life and at times I am in search of true happiness. In all my searches I have found the most satisfaction and bliss while in the company of friends.
Last week in search of whatever it is that I was searching for I found eternal bliss with my friend Darrell on Grand Bahama Island in the small town of Lucaya in a luxurious resort facing the Atlantic Ocean. We did a little sight seeing but mostly we walked up and down the snowy white beaches inhaling the fresh ocean air, feeling the warm gentle breezes against our skin. The sand on the beach was incredibly soft and white and quite firm making it easy to walk upon.
So, how do I spell paradise? L-U-C-A-Y-A
Sunday, December 4, 2011
UN-Bubblely Lou
I don't know what is going on in my pea brain but I'm quite sure something is wrong - very wrong. I am feeling very UN-Bubblely Lou.
In just a very few short hours Darrell will pick me up so that we can finalize our packing, etc. for the trip to sunny Florida and then cruise to The Bahamas.
I should be imitating Tigger - bouncing off the walls, giddy with excitement.
OK Girl!!!
What is your mantra?
Life is an adventure!
A big, bold, epic and often time unpredictable adventure. Kick yourself in the butt and turn up the radio, dance around the Christmas tree and live. The future is not guaranteed. Life may have other plans for you. This moment, this priceless second in time - here and then gone forever. Here and now.
"Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today." Dale Carnegie
I know how short life can be. I have seen it first hand. I have seen people I love full of vim and vinegar, full of life and then gone forever.
Turn off this computer, get up and shake your bootie, Bubbley Lou. You've got yet another adventure to prepare for!
In just a very few short hours Darrell will pick me up so that we can finalize our packing, etc. for the trip to sunny Florida and then cruise to The Bahamas.
I should be imitating Tigger - bouncing off the walls, giddy with excitement.
OK Girl!!!
What is your mantra?
Life is an adventure!
A big, bold, epic and often time unpredictable adventure. Kick yourself in the butt and turn up the radio, dance around the Christmas tree and live. The future is not guaranteed. Life may have other plans for you. This moment, this priceless second in time - here and then gone forever. Here and now.
"Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today." Dale Carnegie
I know how short life can be. I have seen it first hand. I have seen people I love full of vim and vinegar, full of life and then gone forever.
Turn off this computer, get up and shake your bootie, Bubbley Lou. You've got yet another adventure to prepare for!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Why do we love?
Why do we love deeply? I believe we love out of gratitude for what others have given to our lives. We are all selfish, we love for what we receive in return for our love.
I'll never forget the swelling of my heart the first time I held my tiny infant son in my arms. I had never felt love like that before and it was so over whelming I cried. Love begets love. My children grew and also loved. With their love came my grandchildren.
But that is only the tip of the ice berg speaking of love. We love our family, our friends, our pets, our neighbors, our hobbies, music, books, blah, blah, blah. You get the picture.
So why don't we love ourselves with the same deep love? Why are we constantly belittleing ourselves for our imperfections, those imperfections that perhaps only we ourselves can see? You know what I am talking about. Someone tells you how good you are looking and you come back with, "nothing fits since I put on this additional weight". We are down right mean to ourselves. We wouldn't dream of treating others the way we treat ourselves.
The new year is right around the corner. Have you started working on your annual New Year's Resolution list? Remember that list, the list that gets put away and forgotten collecting dust with no productive changes once again. I do not write new year resolutions but if I did, this year my list would begin with "Love thyself as you love others."
"Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship." Norman Vincent Peale
I'll never forget the swelling of my heart the first time I held my tiny infant son in my arms. I had never felt love like that before and it was so over whelming I cried. Love begets love. My children grew and also loved. With their love came my grandchildren.
But that is only the tip of the ice berg speaking of love. We love our family, our friends, our pets, our neighbors, our hobbies, music, books, blah, blah, blah. You get the picture.
So why don't we love ourselves with the same deep love? Why are we constantly belittleing ourselves for our imperfections, those imperfections that perhaps only we ourselves can see? You know what I am talking about. Someone tells you how good you are looking and you come back with, "nothing fits since I put on this additional weight". We are down right mean to ourselves. We wouldn't dream of treating others the way we treat ourselves.
The new year is right around the corner. Have you started working on your annual New Year's Resolution list? Remember that list, the list that gets put away and forgotten collecting dust with no productive changes once again. I do not write new year resolutions but if I did, this year my list would begin with "Love thyself as you love others."
"Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship." Norman Vincent Peale
So You Think You Got It Bad?
The following is a little ditty my father (Roger W. Reese) wrote Christmas 1996. I hope you enjoy his humor.
Listen closely to this little rhyme
because you will hear it just one time.
The other night I could not sleep
so I made up this little ditty
which I thought was quite witty.
Then I told it to my wife
another mistake in my life.
She said, "Oh, what a pity
some of those words sound mmmmmmwell
Those words you will have to delete.
But I said, "It will not be complete."
That's when she hit me on the head
and I went right back to bed.
Ho! Ho! Ho! So you think you got it bad?
Let me tell you about this little lad.
This is a conversation I over heard
as he was talking to his reindeer herd.
Come on now quit your bitching
we have to finish this hitching.
Donner, I don't need to hear you complain.
You think yours is the only pain?
What is the matter with you Blitzin?
You know the elf has your shoe a fixin'
Come over here Cupid.
Don't act so stupid.
come let see that sty
I've got medicine for your eye.
Oh my head is so stuffy
and my eyes are all puffy
my nose is about to drip
and I got a sore on my lip
There's this pain in my hip
that makes me an old crip.
The missus gave me double ex-lax
I'm afraid to bend over for my packs.
I never got to sleep on the cot
for sittin' all night on the pot.
It's really not too bad.
When you think about the lad,
I mean the one who is boss.
They hung him on the cross.
So up! Up! and away
for this is His day!
Listen closely to this little rhyme
because you will hear it just one time.
The other night I could not sleep
so I made up this little ditty
which I thought was quite witty.
Then I told it to my wife
another mistake in my life.
She said, "Oh, what a pity
some of those words sound mmmmmmwell
Those words you will have to delete.
But I said, "It will not be complete."
That's when she hit me on the head
and I went right back to bed.
Ho! Ho! Ho! So you think you got it bad?
Let me tell you about this little lad.
This is a conversation I over heard
as he was talking to his reindeer herd.
Come on now quit your bitching
we have to finish this hitching.
Donner, I don't need to hear you complain.
You think yours is the only pain?
What is the matter with you Blitzin?
You know the elf has your shoe a fixin'
Come over here Cupid.
Don't act so stupid.
come let see that sty
I've got medicine for your eye.
Oh my head is so stuffy
and my eyes are all puffy
my nose is about to drip
and I got a sore on my lip
There's this pain in my hip
that makes me an old crip.
The missus gave me double ex-lax
I'm afraid to bend over for my packs.
I never got to sleep on the cot
for sittin' all night on the pot.
It's really not too bad.
When you think about the lad,
I mean the one who is boss.
They hung him on the cross.
So up! Up! and away
for this is His day!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Powerful Words to Live By But are They Right for Me?
I follow Rich Proctor's blog The Lionheart closely. My ADHD does not allow me to stick to anything for long. I jump around reading other bloggers but only The Lionheart has the power to keep me coming back. He describes himself as a recovering underachiever and writes with complete honesty his struggle to be an extra-ordinary person. I can't say I'm obsessed with his blog but I do confess I look forward to his daily dissertation concerning his attempts to improve himself.
Today he discussed his reaction to a quote by Nikki Sixx. "If you are drawn to it ... attack it ... get obsessed with it and conquer it doesn't matter if you think you can do it or not .... its all in your head .... write it down, splash paint on it, snap a picture of it or write a song about it ... practice what you preach and get on a soap box ... don't be afraid .... the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself."
He called this quote "powerful words to live by" and I am in complete agreement. If a person could live by this creed there is absolutely nothing they could not do. The world would be at their feet. Why? Because most people are like me, easily conquered by their own thoughts of inadequacy, their own secret monsters of insecurities, that monster called Not Good Enough.
I am what Barbara Sher author of I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was a "scanner", a jack of all trades but a master of none. Back to my ADHD once again. I have tried more things than most people have tried in a life time and perfected none. (Perhaps that is because I am OLD)
Here are a few of the things I have dabbled in:
Cake decorating
Sold craft items at craft stores
Art Journaling
Paint murals
Trust Officer
Stain glass designs
Writing a book
Home maker
Sky diving
Mud Run
Weight Lifter
Church Leader
Youth Camp Counsellor
Rock Climber
Sunday School Teacher
Song writer
I am sure I am leaving things off my list. This is just what has come to my head while composing this piece.
A year ago my cousin broke down and got medical help for her ADHD and swears she has never been happier. She is now able to patiently complete one project at a time.
I am torn. One part of me likes this eccentric side of me, the dabbler who enjoys trying different things but the other side wishes I could calmly sit and learn something without having to jump up several times and do something else.
For now I will continue doing things as I always have.
Today he discussed his reaction to a quote by Nikki Sixx. "If you are drawn to it ... attack it ... get obsessed with it and conquer it doesn't matter if you think you can do it or not .... its all in your head .... write it down, splash paint on it, snap a picture of it or write a song about it ... practice what you preach and get on a soap box ... don't be afraid .... the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself."
He called this quote "powerful words to live by" and I am in complete agreement. If a person could live by this creed there is absolutely nothing they could not do. The world would be at their feet. Why? Because most people are like me, easily conquered by their own thoughts of inadequacy, their own secret monsters of insecurities, that monster called Not Good Enough.
I am what Barbara Sher author of I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was a "scanner", a jack of all trades but a master of none. Back to my ADHD once again. I have tried more things than most people have tried in a life time and perfected none. (Perhaps that is because I am OLD)
Here are a few of the things I have dabbled in:
Cake decorating
Sold craft items at craft stores
Art Journaling
Paint murals
Trust Officer
Stain glass designs
Writing a book
Home maker
Sky diving
Mud Run
Weight Lifter
Church Leader
Youth Camp Counsellor
Rock Climber
Sunday School Teacher
Song writer
I am sure I am leaving things off my list. This is just what has come to my head while composing this piece.
A year ago my cousin broke down and got medical help for her ADHD and swears she has never been happier. She is now able to patiently complete one project at a time.
I am torn. One part of me likes this eccentric side of me, the dabbler who enjoys trying different things but the other side wishes I could calmly sit and learn something without having to jump up several times and do something else.
For now I will continue doing things as I always have.
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