Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Neem Tree

Off and on for years I have had bouts of insomnia.  During Les' illness my insomnia worsened.  No longer did I have an occasional night of restlessness, sleepless nights became the norm.  I wasn't terribly worried about my lack of sleep then because I did not want to sleep soundly in fear that I might not hear Les when he needed me.

I figured after his death I would go back to my routine of an occasional night of sleeplessness.  I was wrong.  It has been three years since I have slept all through the night.  That is until last night.

The last day of my trip to the Bahamas I toured the Wallace Groves Garden.  The tour guide told us of an amazing tree, the neem tree, a/k/a the village pharmacy.  The tree originated in India where it has been used for medicinal purposes for 4,000 years.  All parts of the tree roots, bark, gum, leaves, flowers, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil are used for a wide range of medicinal uses including insomnia.

I was skeptical but what did I have to lose?  I have tried many sleep aid products over the years with varying degrees of success, mostly complete failure.  All the over the counter P.M. products have a reverse effect on me.  Rather than make me drowsy I become hyper.  Those products that actually calmed me enough to sleep drugged me so badly I was unable to get much accomplished the next day.  What harm would it do to try another sleep aid?  I would be out a little money and I would have yet another bottle of pills sitting in my medicine cabinet until I tire of looking at it and throw it out.

Three nights ago I took my first capsule.  I didn't fall asleep right away and I woke once in the middle of the night but was able to fall back to sleep easily.  The next morning I rose feeling rested.  Night two I tried taking the full dose recommended of two capsules.  I slept better than the night before but still woke once to go potty.  Once again, night three I swallowed two green capsules.  Within a half hour I was in dream land sleeping like a baby and didn't stir until 7 the next morning.  I woke alert ready to conquer what ever obstacles came my way.  This was the first night in years that I actually slept eight straight hours without interruption.

Is it possible that the ancient people of India were better healers than modern man?  The makers of this product claim this miraculous herb can be used for fever, fugal infection, blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, heart burn, heart disease, nausea, insect repellent, headache and of course insomnia just to name a few.

I am now excited about going to bed with the knowledge that I will sleep peacefully.  Sweet blissful sleep.

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