Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bahama Celebration

Darrell and I went on a short three day two night cruise to the Grand Bahama Island on an old beat up ship called The Bahama Celebration.  No, it wasn't one of the big fancy cruise ships with Las Vegas type shows, but I am not complaining.  It was clean, the meals were good, the stewards on the ship were friendly and helpful and the entertainment was fun.

While talking with one of the entertainers I learned the Bahama Celebration had been retired having seen better days and had been scheduled to join other old ships in a massive grave for old forgotten ships somewhere deep in the ocean.  The Bahama Celebration was still sea worthy, just in need of much loving care and attention.  A wise entrepreneur saw a flicker of life left in her and gave her a reprieve, washing, painting and oiling her until she shined once again.

I have a sentimental spot in my heart for that old ship, not just because we had a really good time on her but also because since my retirement I have noticed my once young vibrant firm body is now sagging and breaking down.  I can no longer dance and party all night .  Yes, I still try, but my knees scream in protest when I do.  I learned the hard way that my bones are no longer as strong as they once were after a fall while roller skating shattering my left wrist.  Yes, I can still run but much slower and not near as far.

So here's to the Bahama Celebration with warm memories.  May you continue to serve us old folks until you and I both are put out to pasture.

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