Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Powerful Words to Live By But are They Right for Me?

I follow Rich Proctor's blog The Lionheart closely.  My ADHD does not allow me to stick to anything for long.  I jump around reading other bloggers but only The Lionheart has the power to keep me coming back.  He describes himself as a recovering underachiever and writes with complete honesty his struggle to be an extra-ordinary person.  I can't say I'm obsessed with his blog but I do confess I look forward to his daily dissertation concerning his attempts to improve himself.

Today he discussed his reaction to a quote by Nikki Sixx.  "If you are drawn to it ... attack it ... get obsessed with it and conquer it doesn't matter if you think you can do it or not .... its all in your head .... write it down, splash paint on it, snap a picture of it or write a song about it ... practice what you preach and get on a soap box ... don't be afraid .... the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself." 

He called this quote "powerful words to live by" and I am in complete agreement.  If a person could live by this creed there is absolutely nothing they could not do.  The world would be at their feet.  Why?  Because most people are like me, easily conquered by their own thoughts of inadequacy, their own secret monsters of insecurities, that monster called Not Good Enough.

I am what Barbara Sher author of I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was a "scanner", a jack of all trades but a master of none.  Back to my ADHD once again.  I have tried more things than most people have tried in a life time and perfected none.  (Perhaps that is because I am OLD)

Here are a few of the things I have dabbled in:

Cake decorating
Sold craft items at craft stores
Art Journaling
Paint murals
Trust Officer
Stain glass designs
Writing a book
Home maker
Sky diving
Mud Run
Weight Lifter
Church Leader
Youth Camp Counsellor
Rock Climber
Sunday School Teacher
Song writer

I am sure I am leaving things off my list.  This is just what has come to my head while composing this piece.

A year ago my cousin broke down and got medical help for her ADHD and swears she has never been happier.  She is now able to patiently complete one project at a time. 

I am torn.  One part of me likes this eccentric side of me, the dabbler who enjoys trying different things but the other side wishes I could calmly sit and learn something without having to jump up several times and do something else. 

For now I will continue doing things as I always have.

1 comment:

  1. AH! Such a fantastic post and such a fantastic quote! I'm so glad I stopped by today.

    I'm also so glad you found me and stopped by my blog. My Dec Daily book was made from watercolor paper that I covered in scrapbook paper.

    Have a beautiful day!
