Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free To Be Me

"While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness."

That quote is credited to Gilda Radner who died of cancer while still in the prime of her life.  I've always thought her death was a tragedy but perhaps I am looking at this all wrong.

Yes, her life was cut short but no one or nothing was able to squelch her spirit, her comedy genius or her quirky uniqueness.

How many of us can say that? 

I can't!

For years I allowed my ex-husband to dictate how I dressed, acted and thought.

Shame on me.

After my divorce I had to rediscover who this middle aged woman was.  Unfortunately or fortunately (a little of both) I met and fell in love with another man with a strong dominating personality.  I never allowed him to control me as I did my ex however my passion for this man held me down.  Not as before but because I loved him I wanted to be the person I thought he wanted me to be.

Silly love sick woman!

I now understand he loved me exactly as I was and he would have continued to love me as I blossomed into the woman I was meant to be.

Now that he is gone what is in my future?  What is my destiny?  Who is this woman meant to be?

Once again I have a man by my side, a man who loves me.  I hope I have learned from my mistakes and am a wiser woman.  At least now I realize this man loves me as I am, not as the woman I imagine he wants me to be.

I am finally free.  Free to be me, a wild and crazy, scatterbrained, unorganized work in progress.

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