Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How Do You Spell PARADISE

Every one in the world is searching for something.  Some search for worldly pleasure while others crave professional growth.  Some look to improve their aptitude for learning and some focus on social service.

Me?  My search seems to be a vicious cycle searching for something new and interesting, something that thrills my senses.  Sometimes I search for my purpose in life and at times I am in search of true happiness.  In all my searches I have found the most satisfaction and bliss while in the company of friends.

Last week in search of whatever it is that I was searching for I found eternal bliss with my friend Darrell on Grand Bahama Island in the small town of Lucaya in a luxurious resort facing the Atlantic Ocean.  We did a little sight seeing but mostly we walked up and down the snowy white beaches inhaling the fresh ocean air, feeling the warm gentle breezes against our skin. The sand on the beach was incredibly soft and white and quite firm making it easy to walk upon.

So, how do I spell paradise?  L-U-C-A-Y-A

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