Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Celebrate each day, It feels so good to be alive.

There has been times when I didn't want to get up in the morning. It was an effort to get to my feet to go potty in the morning but I just couldn't imagine wetting the bed and laying in my own pee. I still have days like that when I feel so alone without my man by my side. But I learned a secret. Did you know that today is my birthday? No not the annual occurrence of the day I was born, but still my birthday. I look at myself as the lowly caterpillar who suddenly emerged from his cocoon as the gloriously beautiful butterfly. Each day I go into my little bathroom and stare in the mirror. Smile, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Time to wash my face, brush my hair and put some makeup on to brighten my face. My father laughs at my daily ritual. He says I "put my face on" each morning. Girlfriend, it is party time!

I invite you all to my party. Where are you right now? What are you doing? Whatever it is, this is exactly what you were meant to be doing. This is where you were meant to be. You are making memories for others and yourself so make the most of them. We are not in this alone. You may feel you are, but you are not. Trust me, over the last two years I have spent plenty of time holding Pity Me Parties. Hopefully I have learned from them, and will not have them anymore. Not saying I will not shed another tear, because I know I will but I will welcome those tears. Tears are like rain. They clean the soul. So what type of party do you want to have today? I have so many themes to choose from. I will be going to an exercise party with a dear friend shortly. After that I will go to a friends 60th Birthday Party. It is a surprise so don't tell anyone. Of course most of my parties are surprises. I know I'll be partying, I just don't know with where, when or with whom. Girlfriend, it is going to be a blast, no matter what it is. Tomorrow I am attending a Spring Equinox Party. Monday I may have a Wine Glass Painting Party, Tuesday I may have a Spoil Grandchildren Party or a Bingo Party. My party ideas are many and of every variety of fun. Remember, Life is a party in itself so Party on.

So as I was saying, you are not in this alone. What is the meaning of life? We all have our special meaning but it all comes down to being there for each other. Feel others' pain and pleasures and they feel yours. I have never been to Japan, but my heart weeps for those poor souls. I am saddened by the catastrophes that have occurred all over the world. Reach out and touch someone. Hold them, their heart beats just like yours. They have heart breaks just like you and they have joys and blessings just like you.

I am an addict. I am addicted to life. I have never done drugs but I can imagine the high that I've heard about. That constant craving for more. That is how I feel when I am out and about with other people of the human race. I started to say "when I am with my girlfriends" but truth be known, I love people, their sex makes no difference to me. Fact is, I used to prefer being in the company of a man. NO, not for sexual reasons as I am sure most people thought, but rather because I find the male brain works so different from the female brain. I had a strong desire to get to understand the male brain. I feel I have a pretty good understanding of them now and now prefer the company of my female friends. Woman know how to let their hair down and enjoy each other's company. Not saying that men don't know how to let their hair down and have a good time, but I just can't get into the rude and crude. Women are more than sympathetic, they are empathic. We are all kindred spirits. We love our children, our families and our girlfriends. We laugh together and we cry together.

So here I am happily soaking up the good vibes of people all around me. Yes, I am also a pusher. I push my drug of choice, joy and happiness on everyone I come near. Please join me. My addiction is not like cigarettes and coke. My addition has no warnings from the surgeon general warning you of the hazards. My addition is joy, happiness, and laughter with like minded people. XXXOOOOXXX to all.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my daily fill from your writings.U know when you write I can just see you saying these things to me or anyone you are in conversation are one special friend.
    Tell me more about the wine glass painting party...maybe you could teach me how to paint
