Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Scathenly Brilliant Ideas

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why such a dreary subject matter??

Anyone who knows me well and have been following my blog are probably wondering if I am bipolar. Because if you know me well you probably have rarely seen me quiet and withdrawn. I came across a poem several years ago by Suzy Toronto that describes me quite well.

She who love life!

She sees the world
With a whimsical eye,
As she dances, twirls and sings
At the top of her lungs.

Her hair blows wild in the breeze
As she walks barefoot in the sand.
She basks in the sunshine
And twinkes with delight
Under the stars,
And someday her spirit
Will simply fade away
From pure joy!

So why am I writing a book about grieving. The subject is so unlike my bubbley personality. I am doing it because I took my art journals to the BJC hospice people who helped me when Les was dying. They loved my journals and suggested I have them published. It seems there are different stages of grieving. When I was creating my journals, I had no knowledge of this. I was simply pouring my heart and soul onto the pages. The people at BJC said I had unwittenly featured every stage in my art journals. It was their opinion that my art journals could be beneficial to grief counselors.

Writing about death and grieving is difficult for me. Everything I have written here is true as I see it. Much is my opinion. I will continue to write about the grieving process and how creating an art journal can have a healing effect on the creator of the journal. But because I do not like to dwell on such dreary subjects even though we will all experience it, I will not always write about death and grieving. I will also write about the things that make life living joyful. I am much better on that subject.

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